2.4 Improving Customer Satisfaction

Customer focused companies initiate as many levels of communication with customers as possible. This helps businesses learn more about what needs to be offered and whether the customer has received the right technology and assistance. Respect for privacy and customer property must be maintained for all surveys and assistance given.

Customer satisfaction can be improved in the following areas:

Customer Satisfaction Rules

There are many rules that are set in place to ensure a high level of service and customer satisfaction. These vary slightly between each company, but some general examples of customer interaction rules include:

These rules should be communicated very clearly when you begin working at a support company. Be sure to internalize these rules since they will guide you in every customer interaction you have. These rules are not flexible regardless of the problem or how irate a customer may act. You will need to maintain a professional attitude and resolve the problem for every single customer. This ensures the highest possibility of customer satisfaction and builds loyalty, which helps your company succeed in its goals and helps you succeed within your company.